Our evaluation services include:


E-QUAL has been working with State based (Western Australian, Victorian and Queensland) and Commonwealth Disability Services Standards and Disability Advocacy Standards since they were introduced and more recently the National Standards for Disability Services. We have developed considerable expertise in the interpretation of the standards in different settings, including employment, accommodation, advocacy, recreation and respite.

E-QUAL consultants have conducted internal and external monitoring or auditing of accommodation, respite, recreation, employment, advocacy and other disability services since 1997.

E-QUAL consultants also have a comprehensive understanding of the Australian Standards on Access for people with disabilities, and experience in conducting access audits against these standards.

Evaluations and Reviews

E-QUAL consultants are skilled in undertaking specifically designed evaluations and reviews using quantitative and qualitative methods to provide useful information and recommendations to our customers. We have undertaken numerous evaluations of disability services and programs, and reviews of Disability Access and Inclusion Plans.

"E-QUAL - Enhancing the quality of services for people with a disability."

"E-QUAL - Enhancing the quality of services for people with a disability."